The Lost Skeleton Returns Again (2009)

The Lost Skeleton Returns Again (2009)

Directed by: Larry Blamire

Starring: Larry Blamire, Fay Masterson, Brian Howe

There’s nothing I hate more (at least within the realm of this blog) than watching a movie that I think is hilarious that I just can’t explain why. So… you’re just going to have to deal with my lack of ability here.

The Lost Skeleton Returns Again is the sequel to The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra, so it helps to have seen that movie first to “get” this one. If you haven’t seen it, you can still probably find this funny, but it certainly helps. Anyway, the plot is that a new geological element has been found in the Amazon jungle, and our regular cast of characters (including the convenient twin brothers of those who died in the previous film) go to find it. In the darkest Amazon jungle. There, they meet a primitive races who worship cantelopes and several bizarre monsters which threaten their scientific find.

It’s… really, really hard to describe why this movie is funny. It probably helps if you’re familiar with 50’s and 60’s horror/sci-fi movies, but I don’t necessarily think it’s necessary. For me, the majority of the comedy comes from just the way uncomfortably weird lines are produced by the characters. There are almost no lines whatsoever that make sense (if you think about them), and they all manage to deal with a stupid, minor rule of the English language which make them strange and funny when presented the way they are.

Look, I just can’t explain it, okay?! You should’ve already known that from my first paragraph, you asshole. Just watch The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra, and if you like it, watch the sequel, The Lost Skeleton Returns Again. DO IT!

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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