2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams (2010)

2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams (2010)

Directed by: Tim Sullivan

Starring: Bill Moseley, Lin Shaye, Christa Campbell

Okay, so I saw 2001 Maniacs, and I’m not entirely ashamed of that fact. Still, it shames me greatly that the entire time I was watching this awful sequel, all I could think about was how much better the original did things. AND THE ORIGINAL WAS FUCKING AWFUL.

The citizens of a haunted southern town decide to go on the road to kill their quota of northerners (which equals the number of southerners in the town killed by the north during the Civil War), and comes across a reality TV show’s bus (not-so-loosely based off of… whatever that thing was called that had Paris Hilton on it). They methodically kill all the modern people, going into new territories of hilarious racism (beyond just the black people they killed in the first movie, we also have hispanics and a jewish man!). There is actually no eating of people in this film.

I really, REALLY hate to say that 2001 Maniacs did anything good, but compared to the sequel, well… At least the original film stuck to it’s damn premise. There’s a haunted town and they eat people, and they’re ghosts or zombies or something. In the sequel, they just kill people, usually after pointlessly showing boobs for some reason (I know, I know, it’s a horror movie, boobs are an integral part of the thing). They never eat anybody, they aren’t even in their haunted town anymore (which seems to be a pretty major thing, but I dunno, maybe that’s just me), and they don’t even care if their victims are hispanic, which seems a really out-of-character response if they were supposed to be from civil war times. I guess my point is that this movie is EVEN WORSE than the original, and it’s times like these I wish I had gone to a ten star system instead of only a five star system. OH WELL.

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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