The Robin Hood Gang (2001)

The Robin Hood Gang (2001)

Directed by: Eric Hendershot

Starring: Clayton Taylor, Steven Losack, Dalin Christiansen

I’m telling you, all these kids movies in this batch of VHS tapes (that I’m almost done with! Finally!) are the SAME FUCKING THING. Not only was The Robin Hood Gang produced by the same company that did Mystery Kids and The Prince and the Surfer (AND SEVERAL OTHERS), but it also has the same director as A Kid Called Danger. I know this because the dude’s name is Hendershot, which is a good Les Claypool song. Which will no doubt be stuck in my head for the rest of the day, now.

The story is that a guy robs a bank, then stashes a million dollars in a briefcase up in his attic. Little does he realize that (for some reason) all the attics of this small community are connected, and two kids find the money. They become “angels in the attic”, giving money to their neighbors who are in need. The bad guy finds out and they have to get away from him and return the money to the police.

There’s a weird sort of subplot in this movie where one of the kids is constantly cross-dressing like an angel or the tooth fairy. I know, angels don’t have to be women, so there’s no reason for him to cross-dress into the role. I know that, you know that, but that kid obviously wasn’t interested. It was just… kinda weird. Especially since he would dress like an angel, have his friend lower him into another kid’s room with rope, and then he’d throw money at them while squeaking in a falsetto. A little weird.

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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