Enter the Ninja (1981)

Enter the Ninja (1981)

Directed by: Menahem Golan

Starring: Franco Nero, Susan George, Sho Kosugi

Remember a couple months ago when I reviewed Ninja III: The Domination and I expressed curiosity that there was a “Ninja” series of films? I DO! And I somehow completely unwittingly managed to watch the first in the series yesterday. Seriously, I had no idea they had anything to do with each other until I just now looked it up on IMDb on a hunch. I mean, they both have ninjas and Sho Kosugi, but that’s about it.

A white guy (with a fabulous 70’s moustache) becomes a full-fledged, degree-holding ninja (I bet you didn’t even know that ninja got degrees, did you?), but one of his Japanese classmates disapproves. This causes the bad guy (Kosugi, of course) to join up with a bad guy businessman who’s terrorizing the town that the white ninja ends up visiting and staying in for a while. The whole thing is basically a convoluted setup to get the two ninja to fight, and for one of them to get their head cut off. BUT WHICH ONE?! I DON’T KNOOOOWWWW!!!

Enter the Ninja actually has some pretty good choreography and some neat ninja-ey things, like killin’ dudes with throwing stars and being hard to see and shooting arrows through people’s guns. Also, it’s filmed on that really nice 70’s-ish filmstock that they used to use (I don’t know the technical term because, well, who cares), so it looks very nice and polished. The acting is mediocre and the plot is dumb, but with the good action, it’s not a totally worthless film.

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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