CJ7 (2008)

CJ7 (2008)

Directed by: Stephen Chow

Starring: Stephen Chow, Kitty Zhang Yuqi, Jiao Xu

Steven Chow needs to do more stuff. I’m sad that we’ll never get to see his version of The Green Hornet with him as Kato, but really, I’d be happy with just about anything at this point. Each movie he’s made has been funny and different from each other so far, so I’m pretty much guaranteed to be watching whatever he comes out with next, even if it’s a Friday the 13th sequel or something. Actually, that might be kinda awesome. See what I mean?!

A boy who gets picked on at school for being poor has a rough life, until his dad gives him some weird green ball he found at the dump. The ball turns out to be a little cartoon alien dog thing that kinda looks like a fuzzy Pikmin. It… doesn’t really have amazing magical powers or anything like the kid expected, and that pisses him off, but they eventually get along just like any boy and his dog tale. With a CGI alien kung fu fighting a dog.

CJ7 is definitely a kid’s movie, make no doubt about that. However, it manages to retain Chow’s surrealist sense of humor, and the slightly more realistic (read: depressing) story for a kid’s film makes it a lot easier to watch as an adult. Also, there’s a hot Chinese romantic interest for Chow’s dad character. What a coincidence.


About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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