Major League (1989)

Major League (1989)

Directed by: David S. Ward

Starring: Tom Berenger, Charlie Sheen, Corbin Bernsen

I gotta admit, I like Major League. And, obviously, it’s one of those “guilty pleasure” sort of situations. I mean… the movie is really dumb and obvious and formulaic and all those sorts of things I usually hate in comedies. But… I dunno, I like it.

An evil ex-showgirl ends up owning the Cleveland Indians after the previous owner, her husband, died. She hates Cleveland, so her plan is to get the worst team ever, get attendance down low, and use it as an excuse to move the franchise to Miami. Hah! Baseball in Florida? That’s CRAZY. Anyway, the baseball team full of ex-cons, broken old players, and voodoo masters learn about the plan and do their best to win the league championships so she couldn’t possibly move the team or fire all of them. Which they [SPOILER ALERT!] do. Obviously.

Again, it’s a stupid movie that makes a lot of obvious jokes, but the characters are all pretty likable and it’s a good mesh of weird traits that all the different players have. There’s also a romantic subplot about the old catcher guy trying to get back together with his ex which neither adds anything to the actual story nor is interesting in the least. But still, this is a movie I watch every… five to ten years, apparently. With that much time in between viewings, it stays pretty decent.

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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