Help! I’m a Fish (2000)

Help! I’m a Fish (2000)

Directed by: Stefan Fjeldmark, Michael Hegner, Greg Manwaring

Starring: Alan Rickman, Terry Jones, Jeff Pace

There’s always been a sad, lonely hole in my life, since I could never before say that I had seen a Danish animated film about kids being turned into fish and terrorized by a singing Alan Rickman. Finally, my life is whole.

Three kids take a magic potion and turn into fish. They have to find the antidote before they become fish permanently, but it’s been leaking and an evil fish is using it to make every single fish in the ocean smart. There are songs.

Help! I’m a Fish is an incredibly standard kid’s movie, including how incredibly retarded it all is. None of the decisions of the main characters make any sense, essential plot points are alluded to but not mentioned until the last possible moment, and the magical effects of the potions are contradictory to themselves on several occasions. And… there are songs. Both Alan Rickman and Terry Jones sing a terrible song in this movie, and most of the rest of it is weird Danish pop music.

It’s sad, but I can say without a doubt that the best part of Help! I’m a Fish is the title.

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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