God Told Me To (1976)

God Told Me To (1976)

Directed by: Larry Cohen

Starring: Tony Lo Bianco, Deborah Raffin, Sandy Dennis

What’s going on with that poster? Is that supposed to be like, God looking down out of the clouds and he’s all concerned? And then his face is exploding from between his eyes? I’m confused…

A series of murders take place in the city, and all of the murderers were perfectly normal people who are totally calm and claim that God told them to kill people. The cop assigned to the case starts to believe that it might actually be God’s will, as there seems to be no other explanation… but just which God are we talking about? It turns out to be a weird sexless albino cult leader who was born with a strange defect which allows him to influence people, even over long distances.

Most of this movie is actually pretty creepy, especially a part where the cop is talking to a guy who just murdered his family as he casually recounts his grisly deeds with no remorse or guilt whatsoever, but the ending… the sexless cult leader guy is just bizarre, and the final confrontation between him and the cop is like, a struggle of minds or something? I’m still not exactly sure what was going on there. It’s actually a pretty good, creepy movie. I’d recommend it, if you’re into a 70’s psychological horror movie with an insane ending.

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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