The Mummy’s Ghost (1944)

The Mummy’s Ghost (1944)

Directed by: Reginald Le Borg

Starring: John Carradine, Ramsay Ames, Lon Chaney Jr.

So… if a mummy dies, it comes back as a ghost? What happens when a mummy’s ghost dies? Does it come back as a zombie or a vampire or a werewolf or a Frankenstein’s monster or a creature from the black lagoon or a giant ant or Bebop and Rocksteady or WHY THE HELL WOULD A MUMMY HAVE A GHOST?!

The Mummy’s back, and this time he’s mummier than ever! This time he’s going after a girl who’s the reincarnate of the mummy’s old girlfriend. High priest John Carradine wants to mummify her so they can be mummies together. That’s pretty much it.

Yet again, a boring old horror movie is saved by the awesome voice of John Carradine. It’s really good casting in this movie, too, as all he really does is stand around and say long monologues. If you’ve got John Carradine in a movie, that’s pretty much the best thing you can do with him, make him all creepy and verbose. I’m still angry about the whole “ghost of a mummy” thing, though, even if that doesn’t actually happen in the movie at all.

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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