Moontrap (1989)

Moontrap (1989)

Directed by: Robert Dyke

Starring: Walter Koenig, Bruce Campbell, Leigh Lombardi

Wow, for the first time in a week or so, I don’t have a backlog of movies to review! Lucky for me, I watched some thing morning, so my streak will stay unbroken for now. FOR NOW! Oh wait, I already said that.

Walter Koenig (Chekov from Star Trek) and Bruce Campbell (Ash from Evil Dead) are astronauts that go to the moon to fight some robot zombies that are trying to destroy the Earth. They meet a prehistoric cavewoman-type girl in a pyramid on the moon and Koenig takes her as his bride. Then, Ash gets killed and assimilated into a giant robot and Chekov has to blow up the lunar lander, thus destroying the alien ship, before they take over Earth. I didn’t make any of that up.

Moontrap is one of my favorite bad movies I’ve ever seen, up there with gems like Star Crash and Robot Monster. It’s just so retarded and it takes itself so seriously and it’s goddamn Ash and Chekov on the moon fighting robot zombies! Perhaps the funniest part of the whole ridiculous deal is that Koenig’s character is this over-the-top, full-of-bravado badass space captain who doesn’t play by the rules… perhaps the strangest sort of role you could possibly give to a man who made his career by mispronouncing common words.

I strongly recommend Moontrap to fans of science fiction, so it can put the good stuff into an amazingly stark contrast. I also recommend it to friends and relatives of people who like sci-fi but don’t like it themselves, so that way you can shove it in their faces that this is the sort of shit that happens when people don’t pay attention to the movie they’re making (bonus points if you get them to renounce their love of science fiction afterwards).

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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