Living on Tokyo Time (1987)

Living on Tokyo Time (1987)

Directed by: Steven Okazaki

Starring: Minako Ohashi, Ken Nakagawa, Mitzi Abe

Just so you know, I’m now going through my collection of VHS tapes, of which I have hundreds of movies that I haven’t reviewed yet, so that’s why there’s been a lot of stuff recently from the late 80’s and the 90’s.

A Japanese girl in America’s work visa is about to expire, so she goes into a marriage of convenience with a Japanese American guy. Unfortunately, he’s an amazingly boring loser. I mean, unfortunately, he thinks that it’s something more serious and she doesn’t really like him all that much. Eventually she gets homesick and decides that it’s not worth staying with this idiot, so she tells her friends in Japan that he died and that she’s too sad to keep staying in America, so she goes home.

This movie has some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen. It’s basically not acting, it’s just people saying words, then waiting for the next person to say their words, and so on. Also, it took an hour and a half to tell this story, which is amazingly devoid of… things happening. I have to admit though, when she tells her friends that her boring and stupid husband that she previously told them was nice was dead, I laughed my ass off. Holy shit, that last sentence is awful. But yeah, it was really funny, because that’s exactly what I was hoping would happen the whole time.

I know that most of the time I don’t recommend or recobbroken movies at the end of these anymore, but I’m happy to go out of my way to advise you to never watch Living on Tokyo Time. It’s really just a waste of your time.

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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