Badlanders (1992)

Badlanders (1992)

Directed by: Armand Gazarian

Starring: James Phillips, Michael M. Foley, Deborah Thompson-Carlin

Wait, that isn’t how you spell “Badlanders”! I know, I know, but according to IMDb, the name that I saw this movie under was only it’s working name, so I couldn’t find any posters with that name. Also, I have no idea how the hell I even got ahold of the movie under that other name, but by this point, I’ve really given up on this whole ‘different names of movies’ thing. Really, it’s more trouble than it’s worth to care.

Some guy gets himself exiled to a prison planet that’s ruled all Mad Max style by biker gangs and one guy in particular who devours the scenery so expertly you can’t help but laugh at every single line the guy has. All this is to find the rightful king of the planet he comes from, who may or may not be dead. Spoiler alert: He’s not dead and at the end they go home and everybody lives happily ever after. Not much of a spoiler, is it?

This is just another in the long line of completely forgettable cheap post-apocalyptic movies which we were drowned with in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Thankfully zombie movies came back in vogue as the go-to for the filmmaker with only fifty bucks and the will to make a film and there haven’t been very many of these recently. I wonder what the next genre of cheap movie is going to pop up after people get tired of zombies?

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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