The Children (1980)

The Children (1980)

Directed by: Max Kalmanowicz

Starring: Martin Shakar, Gil Rogers, Gale Garnett

I had an argument with my friend Zach, who watched this movie with me, over the point of The Children. I was adamant that it was a ripoff of Pet Semetary or some other Stephen King movie, and he refused to believe it was based on anything but the phrase, “You can’t hug children with nuclear arms”. At the end, like most arguments we have, I forgot what we were talking about because I was drinking and he just declared himself the winner. Welcome to my life.

The Children is about a bunch of children who’s school bus gets engulfed in some crazy yellow gas, which gives them the power to kill people when they hug them. They catch on fire or disintegrate or some combination of the two, and it’s very odd. The titular children don’t really seem to have any reason behind what they do, except they seem to aim for their parents more than anything else, and do nothing but walk around trying to deathhug everybody.

It doesn’t sound very interesting (and it isn’t, I assure you), but it does have a bunch of kids going around killing people, so it creeped me out a little. As far as I’m concerned, all children are creepy little monsters who just want to destroy you in one way or another. Then again, as I think about it, I prefer the movie kind of evil kids who just melt you, as opposed to real kids who only destroy you financially and socially. Wow, this got really depressing, sorry.

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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