Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women (1968)

voyage to the planet of prehistoric womenVoyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women (1968)

Directed by: Peter Bogdanovich

Starring: Mamie Van Doren, Mary Marr, Paige Lee


Ah, another prehistoric planet movie, eh? How… strange. I know the people who make these cheapo DVDs like having a theme to them, but… Wait a damn minute, this is the SAME MOVIE!

Well, technically, it’s a re-edited version of Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet with some new footage of Mamie Van Doren and some other women lying around in seashell bikinis. The plot is basically, the same; some astronauts get stranded on Venus, so some other astronauts have to come and get them. The big difference here is that, in this version of the film, the ‘prehistoric women’ and their primitive gods end up being behind all the different problems the astronauts come across, like a volcano eruption and some heavy rain. Also, at the end they get the husk of the awesome robot and start worshipping it like a god. That was cool.

So… yeah, same story, only with some different footage. It’s interesting, too, because they basically took out all the random “looking at neat things” stuff that was the majority of the original film and actually added some antagonists. Turning it into more of… a MOVIE. I’ll admit, the added stuff was probably done just for the sake of having some scantily-clad women in the film instead of Russians in space suits all the time, but it really did tie the movie together better. It was a really unique experience to see. It’s like if somebody did a ‘cover’ of a movie. Very strange.

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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