Tormented (1960)

tormentedTormented (1960)

Directed by: Bert I. Gordon

Starring: Richard Carlson, Susan Gordon, Lugene Sanders


You know if it’s Bert I. Gordon, it’s gonna be chock full o’ super imposition and other cheap effects! If… you know who Bert I. Gordon is. And I only do because of MST3K. Also, I just wanted to mention that I know a guy named Richard Carlson, but he actually isn’t the guy in this movie. Now I just have to find a crappy movie starring RUSSEL Carlson and I can never stop laughing at them…

Tormented follows the classic story of boy meets girl, boy meets other girl, boy is going to marry other girl so he lets the first girl fall out of a lighthouse, first girl’s ghost haunts boy. I’m pretty sure that’s what Macbeth is all about, too. Most of the movie follows our protaganist as he does every possible thing wrong while being haunted by a ghost. Really, if you want to haunt someone, you’d be damn lucky to find someone as cooperative and stupid as this guy. I imagine most hauntings are either ignored completely or the person is actually able to make half-decent excuses for why they were just about to push a milkman out a lighthouse.

This is another MST3K movie, and I’m still amazed how many of these damn things are on these collections. I’m starting into another 50 pack of “sci-fi” movies (the line between these and the horror movies are so infinitesimal that I don’t think it even exists), and there’s another 20 of these damn things on there. Can’t wait until I get to Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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