Bloodlust (1961)

bloodlustBloodlust (1961)

Directed by: Ralph Brooke

Starring: Wilton Graff, Robert Reed, June Kenney


I just realized that it’s hard for me to objectively rate movies I’ve seen in MST3K form before, simply because I’m so heavily biased against them just for being on that show. Of course, there’s a good reason for that…

Bloodlust is a lackiluster version of The Most Dangerous Game. Four teens arrive at a random island where there lives a big game hunter who’s tired of hunting animals and now hunts down people on his island for fun. That’s… really all there is to it.

I’ve seen this movie tons of times, because it’s a great MST3K episode, and it certainly deserves it. Watching it without the riffing was just a saddening and boring experience. It wasn’t the movie that made me sad, just the fact that there won’t be any more MST3K. I mean, sure, there’s Cinematic Titanic and Rifftrax, but neither of them are really the same, and they never will be. Oh well.

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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