Wilder Napalm (1993)

wilder-napalmWilder Napalm (1993)

Directed by: Glenn Gordon Caron

Starring: Arliss Howard, Dennis Quaid, Debra Winger


My friend and I watched this one thinking that a movie about Dennis Quaid as a clown who could start fires with his mind would be pretty terrible and great to make fun of. However, it turned out to be a pretty well-done film about a pair of brothers fighting over a women… also, they just happened to be able to start fires with their minds and one of them was a clown.

The most interesting part of Wilder Napalm is the artistic style of the movie. Well, that and the fact that they made a movie about a CLOWN THAT STARTS FIRES WITH HIS MIND and didn’t make it into a horror movie. Anyway, everything in the movie draws your eyes to it, from the seemingly abandoned parking lot of the photohut the main character works at, to how Winger’s character colors everything green… It actually gets a little distracting when they’re trying to do a dramatic scene and you just keep looking at the trailer they’re in, wondering if they built it from scratch or if they just found a really cool trailer, haha.

Overall, the performances were believable and the movie looked great, but the story was a little flimsy and, well, Jim Varney is in it, so they could’ve done better. For what looks like a pretty low budget, though, they did a great job.

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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