Biloxi Blues (1988)

biloxi-bluesBiloxi Blues (1988)

Directed by: Mike Nichols

Starring: Matthew Broderick, Christopher Walken, Matt Mulhern


Thanks to Biloxi Blues, I know to never trust a short movie description ever again. I was expecting Stripes and ended up with the Matthew Broderick is nervous about girls show. Sure, there were a couple redeeming bits with Christopher Walken being a psychotic asshole, but those didn’t do much to make the movie pass any quicker. Oh, and it’s supposed to be a comedy, I guess. Because… uh… everybody has really forced and unnatural sounding snappy dialogue? Huh.

Broderick is one of several new army recruits and is being trained by Walken at Biloxi Army Base or something near the end of the second World War. We follow his adventures to see a prostitute for the first time, a dance at a church, and his adventures in being a bad recruit. Again, nothing really happens in this movie. Maybe I was just in a bad mood when I started watching it, but I was really, REALLY hoping that Walken would snap (all the way) and just shoot Broderick. I would’ve laughed at that.

I saw that this was written by Neil Simon and based on a play he wrote, but I’m not familiar with any of his work, only that he has a famous name. If this is any example, I’m going to do my best to stay away from any more Neil Simon plays turned into movies. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go kill myself to cheer myself up.

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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