Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie (1996)

mystery-science-theater-3000-the-movieMystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie (1996)

Directed by: Jim Mallon

Starring: Michael J. Nelson, Trace Beaulieu, Kevin Murphy


Mystery Science Theater 3000 (or MST3K) was one of the most innovative and hilarious TV shows of all time, with a ten year run and quite possibly GABILLIONS of loyal fans. The premise is that three people watch a movie and make fun of it. What makes MST3K: The Movie different from a normal episode of the show? Well, it cost a lot more… and… it’s shorter?

For those of you not in the know, the premise of MST3K is that there’s a mad scientist who shot a janitor up into space and forces him to watch bad movies in an effort to find the worst movie ever made, which will then be released unto the world, allowing him to control the world. The stranded man, Mike Nelson, luckily has the assistance of two robots, Tom Servo (Murphy) and Crow (Beaulieu), and together they riff on the bad movies they watch, making a hilarious experience.

This widescreen version of the show chose the 1955 classic sci-fi film This Island Earth, which is about a man who thwarts a group of big-foreheaded aliens from taking over the planet. With their normal wit and hilarity, Mike and the bots tear this movie to shreds, making it one of the funniest movies I wish I saw in theaters.

At the time, the MST3K gang were at the apex of their craft, and it really shows in the movie. When I meet new people and violently force them to watch movies I like, I always lead into MST3K with the movie (just as it was done for me, actually), and I have yet to meet someone who hasn’t laughed. And if I ever do, they’re dead. Dead.

There’s no distinct plot or anything to describe, and the comedy comes from seeing it and hearing the responses to what’s happening on screen. I certainly can’t put into words the reasons this is such a hilarious movie, so I guess you’ll just have to see it for yourself. You’ll thank yourself when you do.

About Reid

Born in a dumpster, died in a fire. View all posts by Reid

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