Daily Archives: August 2, 2009

Unknown World (1951)

unknown worldUnknown World (1951)

Directed by: Terry O. Morse

Starring: Bruce Kellogg, Otto Waldis, Jim Bannon


Oh goody. Another tepid 50’s movie about people who explore a soundstage. Sure can’t get enough of these bad boys.

A group of people tunnel their way down into the Earth to find a nice spot to wait out the oncoming nuclear holocaust. On the way there, people get angry at each other and generally whine a lot, until they eventually find a nice big cave where people could probably live… Except the water down there is poisonous or something, I don’t really remember, I wasn’t paying attention by that point.

Yep, this movie lost me after the same argument happened about the third or fourth time. Sorry, but there’s a difference between annoying, petty bickering and actual developed characters having conversations. If I wanted to watch as a group of people kept talking about the same old differences in opinions, I’d… go to a family reunion, or some cliche joke like that.